My Feature In The New Book, Teacherpreneurs

By Jose Vilson | September 2, 2013

My Feature In The New Book, Teacherpreneurs

By Jose Vilson | September 2, 2013

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Teacherpreneurs, The Book

Teacherpreneurs, The Book

First off, happy Labor Day to all. As you can probably tell, I’ve been writing my heart out. I’m surprised by some of the spaces that have asked me to write, too. News on that forthcoming.

In the meantime, I wrote a personal confession about my job as a teacher on my new CTQ spot:

Confession: when they came to my school, I felt a little trepidation. I’d known Barnett and Ann for years through my work on Teaching2030, writing for the org, and now as an honored board member for CTQ. I rarely invite people from my online world into my school because I’ve often trained myself to keep these two worlds separate. Oftentimes, working in NYC feels like you’re not given permission to seek professional aspirations out loud. You’re supposed to keep everything as quiet as possible until you’ve made your move. Those of us who break out to develop platforms outside of school have a hard time navigating our professional aspirations with this type of dynamic in school buildings.

Read, like, and comment at will. Thank you so much for your support.

Also, the book Teacherpreneurs: Innovative Teachers Who Lead But Don’t Leave is out in stores now.

Mr. Vilson

Support my work as I share stories, insights, and advice with research from a sociological perspective that will (hopefully) transform and inspire educational systems now and forever.