Just When Post-Racial Educators Thought It Was Safe

By Jose Vilson | September 23, 2009

Just When Post-Racial Educators Thought It Was Safe

By Jose Vilson | September 23, 2009

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A Rainbow Coalition? Not Quite.

A Rainbow Coalition? Not Quite.

This is one of 2009’s most censored stories. I know race is such a touchy subject for some of the readers of my blog, but … just read:

According to a new Civil Rights report published at the University of California, Los Angeles, schools in the US are 44 percent non-white, and minorities are rapidly emerging as the majority of public school students in the US.  Latinos and blacks, the two largest minority groups, attend schools more segregated today than during the civil rights movement forty years ago. In Latino and African American populations, two of every five students attend intensely segregated schools.  For Latinos this increase in segregation reflects growing residential segregation. For blacks a significant part of the reversal reflects the ending of desegregation plans in public schools throughout the nation. In the 1954 case Brown v. Board of Education, the US Supreme Court concluded that the Southern standard of “separate but equal” was “inherently unequal,” and did “irreversible” harm to black students. It later extended that ruling to Latinos.

Add that to the million other reasons I blog.

Thoughts? Comments? For more, please read.

Jose, who’s reporting live …

p.s. – The previous cartoon isn’t an endorsement of any party really, but it fit rather well with the topic at hand.

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