Special Guests on Pardon the Interruption: Jose Vilson and John Holland! [Future of Teaching]

By Jose Vilson | June 13, 2011

Special Guests on Pardon the Interruption: Jose Vilson and John Holland! [Future of Teaching]

By Jose Vilson | June 13, 2011

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Pardon the Interruption with Tony Kornheiser, Michael Wilbon, and Tony Reali

Wilbon: I’m Michael Wilbon.
Kornheiser: And I’m Tony Kornheiser, and welcome to the PTI program. We have a special edition of OddsMakers today because we’re old and tired.
Wilbon: Maybe you’re old, but I’m tired from the EXCITEMENT of this year’s NBA Finals.
K: I was tired from my first name being used all night last night at the Tony’s.
W: Can we welcome our guests already?
K: With us, we have two teacher leaders with a knack for differing and vociferous opinions. Know anybody like that, Wilbon?
W: HA! No! But, we welcome to the program Jose Vilson from YOUR town of New Yawk, and John Holland from beautiful Virginia. Welcome to the program gentlemen!
JV: Glad to be here.
K: I hear that you’d like to do our next segment on education. Give us a bit about what you’re going to talk about.

JM: When I think about the story of teaching 2030 as it is becoming, I know that it is the story of a new generation of teachers. Many of these teachers are passionate and even more committed to creating a more equitable society than the group of teachers I started with 15 years ago. Recently a group of young teacher leaders in Denver took on the task of describing what they believe about being evaluated fairly and with the intention of making education better for students. Their report titled, Making Teacher Evaluation Work for Students: Voices from the Classroom is a challenging perspective on what it means to evaluate with the intention of making teaching better for students. As I read the report I started thinking of one of Vilson’s favorite ESPN segments, Odds Makers. The idea of percentages in public education policy has a kind of arm chair quarterback feel so I thought, why not try it here.

K: Alright, well I’m gonna go sip on a pina colada in the meantime. Wilbon, can you let go of this program for even a split second?
W: Yeah, because these guys seem alright, unlike that guy Dan LeBatard!

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