A Letter To President Obama, On Education Working Conditions

By Jose Vilson | November 15, 2012

A Letter To President Obama, On Education Working Conditions

By Jose Vilson | November 15, 2012

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An excerpt from my latest at Education Week:

With that said, even if we reach the lofty goal of getting 100,000 more math and science teachers into classrooms, the problem will most likely not be recruitment but retention. Daniel Willingham, a psychology professor at the University of Virginia, recently cited new research re-confirming what so many of us have known all along: Math and science teachers leave the profession at or around the same clip as every other teacher does. Some of this is due to retirement, but they also tend to leave for higher salaries and, yes, working conditions.

For more, read the rest here. Share. Like. Comment. Let Obama know, too. Thanks.

Mr. Vilson, who can’t believe he posted more than twice today.

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