Today, I had the distinct pleasure of going to two separate conferences: one on Black and Latino males in high schools and the other on Blackness in America as it pertains to the release of the hardcover Black Book. In both instances, I found myself immersed in an idea that sits at the root of these conversations in whichever category or “subgroup” we consider ourselves a part of: we are human. While our conversation about humanity seems simple to the naked eye, the subjugation and misappropriation of all types of people throughout the world has everything to do with how we view each other and our capacity for moral, ethical, and human respect. In a way, the evidence for the norm of human behavior says that there’s never going to be true peace and the base nature of humans does not lend itself to tenets like love and care. On the other hand, the human populace seems to suffer precisely because of the lack of care for each other and love due to one another as a people.
After all, one of love’s primary characteristics is the ability to recognize and appreciate the next person’s humanity.
Jose, who will have notes from both panels tomorrow.