Book Giveaway: OIL – Money, Politics, and Power in the 21st Century by Tom Bower

By Jose Vilson | June 16, 2010

Book Giveaway: OIL – Money, Politics, and Power in the 21st Century by Tom Bower

By Jose Vilson | June 16, 2010

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OIL: Money, Politics, and Power in the 21st Century by Tom Bower

Hello and welcome to the third installment of The Jose Vilson Book Giveaway, where all summer, I’ll do my best to offer the latest and greatest books I can scrounge up … and all for free.

< whooping and hollering here >

The rules are as follows:

1. Leave a comment at the bottom of this post with the words: “Oil wasted on the oceans and upon our seas. Fish full of mercury. Oh, mercy mercy me!”

2. Subscribe to my blog either by e-mail or RSS.

That’s IT!

The last day to enter your comment is Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010 at 11:59pm. A winner will be randomly selected from all the commenters. Multiple entries are not allowed. Once you win, I’ll contact you directly with further details. Please make sure you respond quickly (within 48 hours of my choosing the winner), or you’ll lose the drawing.

The third book I’m giving away is OIL: Money, Politics, and Power in the 21st Century by Tom Bower. I’m really excited about this book! It’s a project of oleaginous proportions! The editor writes:

Dear Reader:

There has been a multitude of worthy books written about the subject of oil. Some are about the major oil corporations. Some are about the price of oil and its impact on consumers. Otehrs are about our dependence on oil, and still others are about its politics and how the ongoing pursuit to control this essential resource can determine the fate of nations.

Every couple of decades, though, a book comes along that does all of these things. In 1975, it was Anthony Sampson’s The Seven Sisters. In 1991, it was Daniel Yergin’s epic The Prize.

Now we can add one more title to this short list: Tom Bower’s OIL.

Gathering unprecedented firsthand information from hundreds of sources, this acclaimed investigative reporter gives readers the untold story of oil over the past twenty years. […] I hope you enjoy it.


Mitch Hoffman
Executive Editor

A special thanks to Hachette Book Group for generously offering this wonderful work to this blogger. For those looking for a good Father’s Day gift, this might be is the one to go for.

Remember the rules and good luck to all the contestants!

Jose, who loves a little generosity …

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