It Doesn’t Feel Right

By Jose Vilson | March 18, 2007

It Doesn’t Feel Right

By Jose Vilson | March 18, 2007

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MoleSkineAs a poet, I often have a hard time coming up with something to write about. For those of you who know me well, you’re probably snickering since I’ve practically filled up my little notepads and 3-month old MoleSkine and constantly write on 3 different Internet venues. Yet, I can’t sit here and tell you that I’m a well of words. The problem isn’t writing about randomness; if that was my objective, I’d have a whole world of experience to fall back on.

Instead, I want to do something different from what I’ve seen in poetry. A couple of weeks ago, I went to Tribes on 3rd and Ave. C to hear, among other women poets, Tara Betts, who I’ve reached out to every so often for poetry advice. Anyways, she read a poem inspired by a survey a friend handed her. The “survey poem” outlined many of the (mostly negative) stereotypes that she’s seen in the poetry scene, and I thought it was an awesome reflection of the stagnant poetry coming out these days.

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