Let’s Get It Right The First Time

By Jose Vilson | April 20, 2010

Let’s Get It Right The First Time

By Jose Vilson | April 20, 2010

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Left Brain / Right Brain

As most of you know, the National Core Standards are in full effect by 2013, and states who’d like the “Race to the Top” money (i.e. New York) feel the need to implement them as soon as possible. On the horizon, we see common standards and cross-disciplinary alignment, and in the near future, a national assessment that parallels the NAEP for all participating states. I haven’t heard much about the transition to common core standards in other states, but here, the force feed has begun. The news has steadily shoved “reform” down every educator and wannabe’s throats, and that’s sad.

I’m a believer in national standards, but only if it’s done right. Usually, none of this stuff is. Instead of at least sounding inclusive, it comes with some ill-wrought assumption that we’ll never get it and that’s the way it’s going to be so THERE. I’m always a fan of getting it right the first time, whatever that may be. Yes, there’s no such thing as a perfect beta, or an immaculate first draft, but there’s a way of introducing a work without making everyone feel like they’re being caught unaware or sounding completely dishonest and disingenuous. You can use all these ambiguous phrasing and neologisms in order to avoid criticism or pinpointing, but we the people have grown tired of the circumlocution.

We want the real.

Let’s get it right the first time, and ensure the rationale sounds reasonable. Let’s stray from fake and irrelevant facts and focus on our reality. If including others isn’t part of your agenda, then say it. Maybe that sort of transparency can be part of the core standards, too.

Mr. Vilson, who’s bewildered by these escape artists …

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