Middle School Prepares Us For Social Science Thinking, Too

By Jose Vilson | September 16, 2024

Middle School Prepares Us For Social Science Thinking, Too

By Jose Vilson | September 16, 2024
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I got a story to tell.

Yesterday, I was running errands when one of my former students stopped me at the local supermarket. She’s a manager there and she told me, “Mr. Vilson, did you do something recently that I should be congratulating you for?”

Me: “I think so? I just passed my doctoral dissertation defense.”
Her: “Oh yeah! My sister showed me something about it, so congratulations!”
Me: “Thank you! And really, I couldn’t have gotten it without you, your sister, or my other former students, so thank you! Also, I’m proud of you!”

She did a cutesy back-kick and hands-to-chin pose and said, “Thanks!”

Moments like the one are when I’m grateful that I never lost sight of my higher purpose for my work. Up to that point, I had spent weeks stressing whether I’d even have the chance to defend my doctoral work. These signs from the universe keep moving me forward as I build this work in the university.

My son got to witness all of this as we perused the local market. Fresh off a second round of edits, I needed reminders of why I embarked on the journey to begin with. Back in 2019, I applied because I felt called to study the teaching profession with race and policy in mind. In 2020, a global pandemic put these societal troubles front and center. In August, I endeavored on sociology, a field that pulls together a myriad of factors to theorize how the world works.

Teaching middle schoolers, by comparison, is more aligned to that task than folks imagine.

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