My Middle Finger’s Swollen!

By Jose Vilson | June 30, 2008

My Middle Finger’s Swollen!

By Jose Vilson | June 30, 2008

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If there is a will, there is a blog.

Mi gente, bienvenidos desde La Republica Dominicana! It’s a sunny day outside, about 30% chance of rain. Some cloudy skies, winds blowing in the NW direction. I’m sitting here in shorts and a tank top (something I don’t usually do) and relaxing. it’s been OK so far. Interesting how even when family members ask us to relax, their most natural behaviors prevent us from doing so (and by us, I mean my younger brother and I). We’ve been to 2 separate resorts in the past 24 hours, and will probably move some more through this 16-day excursion.

A few notes of interest:

Dominicans applauding on the airplane after a good landing into Santo Domingo: it never gets old.

I can still swim. Even while slightly inebriated. Thumbs up for me.

I finally caught Ratatouille last night. Aplauso!

In the middle of watching Shrek 2 and Ratatouille, they showed this music video by Akon feat. Snoop Dogg and Tego Calderon for “I Wanna Fuck Love You.” Honest to G_d, it made me squeamish, especially with kids around. Wouldn’t want my daughter to get the impression that wearing those booty shorts all in public like that is appropriate in every venue.

Last night, my brother and I went to this “dance hall” they have set up for the guests in this resort. We both looked at each other, with Presidentes in hand, and said, “We really miss our girlfriends.”

I can still call and recieve text messages from here, but no names come up when I get texted back. Weird.

Twitter has really taught me how to keep my notes short.

Feel free to let me know how all of you are doing. Google Reader is acting funny.

Lastly, my middle finger really is swollen! Curses! My first and second mosquito bites came right on the same finger, so the base of my left middle finger looks like it got hammered. One of these fingers is not like the others …

jose, who honest to goodness has some of his best written work to date up in my brain somewhere …

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