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A few notes:
- Dart Adams takes exception to Toure’s “How Hip-Hop and America Failed Each Other” with a better history of the “Golden Era.” [Bastard Swordsman]
- As writers, we have to learn to be still in our minds. Meaning, shut up about writer’s block and just write. [New York Times]
- Patrick Sullivan recently said that our policy around fixing schools can’t be just open-close-open-close. Jersey Jazzman adds some context with charter schools in New Jersey. [Jersey Jazzman]
- Secretary of Education Arne Duncan thinks Times columnist Thomas Friedman is nuts. Wow, we have something in common. [ABC News]
- In her new space, Elena Aguilar writes about teachers who haven’t shown any growth, no matter how much support their receive. [Art of Coaching Teachers]
“Elites hate when the masses take charge of their own destiny, it make them irrelevant. That’s why we’re taught FDR, not A Phillip Randolph. “