Short Notes: No, I Don’t Want A Leg Lamp For Christmas

By Jose Vilson | December 21, 2008

Short Notes: No, I Don’t Want A Leg Lamp For Christmas

By Jose Vilson | December 21, 2008

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Leg Lamp
Leg Lamp

A few notes:

Most of you reading this are probably asking yourselves, what could Jose Vilson probably want for Christmas? Not that you’re actually looking to buy anything for me, but most people can probably tell the type of person someone is by the gifts they get. For example, I got my girlfriend a ******** and some ******* because she’s not that flashy, but she likes things classy (you really think I was going to tell you?)

Nonetheless, besides this convenient list I left on my sidebar (try here), I want this for Christmas:

1. World Peace (duh)

World Peace
World Peace

2. This guy’s shoe

Muntadhar al-Zaidi
Muntadhar al-Zaidi

3. Tickets to this

New Yankee Stadium
New Yankee Stadium

4. Better yet, tickets to this

Inauguration Site Closed for Construction
Inauguration Site Closed for Construction

5. This, though I’m going to invest in one eventually

Macbook Pro
Macbook Pro

6. Can’t ever have too much of this (ever)

Loud Sex
Loud Sex

7. Or this


8. A relief from this


9. Whatever you get, just don’t get me the leg lamp.

What do YOU want for Christmas?!


Jose, who regrets not shopping for Christmas earlier, but loves the online stuff.

BTW, this guy

Charlie Brown
Charlie Brown

is a much better symbol for my Christmases than this guy.


Any day.

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