A few notes:
- Renee Moore is a rebel with a cause. She’ll teach her kids whether third party vendors like it or not. Right up our alley, right? [TeachMoore]
- If you only know the 1/2 of what the BP oil disaster means in the grand scheme of things, you’re about to know more than that. [The Tonka Report]
- Planning to boycott Arizona business? Well you’re in good company. Check the list here. [AZCentral]
- You know Arne Duncan doesn’t care about we have to say about education. Even when a group of teachers try to organize around having a dialogue about education, he persists in evasive maneuvers. They must think we’re the other t-word. [The Perimeter Primate]
- Leave me alone. Or else I can’t be creative. So says Leo Babauta. [ZenHabits]
- File this under: How To Rebel Against Too Much Test Taking. Well done, kids. [Huffington Post]
Thanks to all of you who contribute to the community here at The Jose Vilson. Only a few more days ’til the book giveaway is over!
Jose, who wishes Dominican and Haitian mothers a Happy Mother’s Day …