A few notes:
- Jason DeParle writes that poor students struggle in college as class plays a bigger role in education. Another case of “We told you so.” [New York Times]
- Jack Jennings of the Center on Education Policy joins the chorus of those who believe in the research on standardized testing. [Huffington Post]
- Jersey Jazzman, easily becoming one of my favorite bloggers, calls Campbell Brown a pearl clutcher. That’s priceless enough. [Jersey Jazzman]
- Jane Fung talks about teacher retention without using the word “Finland.” Thank you. [EdWeek / Teacher Magazine]
“There are certain people that come into your life and alter its course, ones that open a path once non existent. Father Jack, thank you for all of the work you’ve done in the Lower East Side and with Nativity. You’re a legend, a hero. So many things fell into place for [Jose] and I because of your help and work. ‘Opportunity is Nativity’s gift to you. What you do with that gift is your gift to Nativity’ Thanks for the opportunity to see my potential; this is just the beginning.”
– Rafael Balbi Jr. (my brother) on the legend, Fr. Jack Podsiadlo
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