The Traveling Prayer

By Jose Vilson | September 14, 2007

The Traveling Prayer

By Jose Vilson | September 14, 2007

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2PacThanks everyone for your prayers and thoughts. I finally arrived to Florida after a somewhat long trip here. I had a short stop at Washington, DC, and of course, I had to wait a while before someone picked me up. It was weird.

We headed directly to the hospital, and when I saw him, I was in shock. It was the first time I thought I was looking into a mirror; he looked so much more like me than I remembered. It was even scarier with all those tubes flying out of him, for everything he needed like food, water, and air. We take for granted the essentials, and here was this man who couldn’t get those simple elements into his system on his own. He was sedated so he’s stop resisting the treatment. Yikes.

I couldn’t handle it. I mean, we tried to wake him up, and when he heard my name, he reacted by raising his arm. He could hear everything I was saying. That’s a plus. (My other siblings on his side of the family were joking that I must have the Jesus voice, because they couldn’t get that out of him.)

The irony of the whole situation is that everyone around him is starting to help sew the rifts he helped create.

Thanks everyone for keeping me and my family in your prayers, thoughts, and meditations.

and before I forget, R.I.P. 2Pac Amaru Shakur. You’re missed.

jose, who’s not mad at him …

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