The Tumblr vs. WordPress Argument (and Why I Have Both Now)

By Jose Vilson | August 23, 2010

The Tumblr vs. WordPress Argument (and Why I Have Both Now)

By Jose Vilson | August 23, 2010

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At this point, there’s so many arguments over which blogging platform’s best, I decided I wouldn’t rehash those arguments as a whole. I still haven’t tried Drupal, and I don’t think Blogspot’s robust enough for me. I had four main sites in which I share my madness:

  • Here (where I share my lengthier posts)
  • Facebook (where I share my more personal stuff, and some thoughts I can’t share without a little disclaimer)
  • Twitter (where I can chat in small blurbs, just in case I don’t feel like writing a whole space)

All of these spaces have different levels of sharing, and they all serve their purpose. Of course, I’ve always wanted that public space where I could share things bigger than 140 characters in a public space for everyone to read AND that still looked good. I tried doing that with my “short notes” here to varying degrees of success. My most viewed post ever was a short note (thanks Lady Gaga). However, it also meant I’d wait until Sunday to get my summary of all these great links that I often forgot.

Thus, I’m formally disbanding my “short notes” and reorganizing a few things on this blog. I’ll still have the other three spaces, but this fourth promises to be more random and more interactive.

Feel free to check out: Mathématiques Noir.

For those of you asking yourselves, “But didn’t he say you should own everything you have? Isn’t it contradictory to have a blog hosted somewhere else?” A bit, certainly. But I was already giving many of these pieces to Facebook and Twitter. Why not give it to a place where I own the domain name and no one’s used it before? Also, because most of the stuff I’m sharing isn’t technically mine in that space, I’m alright with just throwing these pieces out there.

You’ll also note that I don’t really have my name on it, either. And an icon with Rakim replaces my mug.

Jose, who’s working on a few different websites …

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