What’s Next: Auto-tuning Our Lessons, Too? [On The Future of Teaching]

By Jose Vilson | September 14, 2011

What’s Next: Auto-tuning Our Lessons, Too? [On The Future of Teaching]

By Jose Vilson | September 14, 2011

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For some of our less fortunate colleagues, they may get mandated to use a scripted curriculum pre-written for them. This method has some validity with those who don’t get the training in their ed-schools (and trust me, there’s lots), but should teachers prescribe to this method? At some point, we have to ask ourselves, are lesson plans reflective of a student’s needs and passions or are they just a reflection of a standard communicated to them? When I lesson-plan, for example, I write down pieces of my rationale for how to solve a certain problem, or certain reminders I need to write on the board (“… write down big on the board: “THIS CAN ONLY BE USED IF YOU SEE AN EQUAL SIGN!!!”).

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