Where Will You Get Your Educators of Color From Now? [Medium]

By Jose Vilson | October 15, 2020

Where Will You Get Your Educators of Color From Now? [Medium]

By Jose Vilson | October 15, 2020

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In my latest post for Medium, I explore the connections between the current pandemic, the racial uprising, and NYC’s efforts to recruit and retain educators of color:

“… it’s the same educators who saw the litany of issues that encumbered their work in NYC schools that ought to serve as our schools’ best ambassadors. But the lack of real vision and leadership, the silencing of those who could provide that leadership, the systemic attitudes towards folks who even attempt to elevate social justice, the sheer number of deaths happening around friends and families, the reverberations of the voices they hear in their own communities about this pandemic, and the colleagues who fear being called racist over actually addressing and redressing racism in their own professional spaces makes for a concoction that might make this profession too much to bear.

It’s visible aggression.

For more, read the latest on EduColor’s new and improved Medium publication!

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