I Prefer To Boogie On The Soul Train [Future of Teaching]

By Jose Vilson | February 1, 2012

I Prefer To Boogie On The Soul Train [Future of Teaching]

By Jose Vilson | February 1, 2012

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Classic Soul Train


As I’ve gotten older and seen how different movements work, I’ve noticed that, whether charitable or nefarious, the most effective movements have a small, malleable, and memorable set of core beliefs and tenets for their congregation. Obviously, the core team of Teaching 2030 represents that. The diversity in ed-thought reigned supreme over the diversity of experiences, but we all held a few core beliefs that make our partnership so unique. Items like student learning, teacher voice, and social value on education all matter to us, and we always took our conversations (and disagreements) back to that. We never needed reminders about respect, professionalism, and care because it was assumed that we had those three tenets concretely affirmed for us.

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Jose, who wants you to boogie like Don Cornelius did …

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