Pop Your Collar For Parent-Teacher Conferences [New York Times]

By Jose Vilson | November 19, 2013

Pop Your Collar For Parent-Teacher Conferences [New York Times]

By Jose Vilson | November 19, 2013

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A few weeks ago, I was invited to write for New York Times’ Room for Debate, a special web section of the Times dedicated to debating intense subjects of the week. This one was dedicated to parent-teacher conferences. I wrote:

Critics call it a waste of time, of course. They argue that only the “good” students’ parents participate, and so there’s not much to discuss. They are of the opinion that only parents of “bad” kids should be invited.

But we shouldn’t look at these meetings as a way to reform our children. They simply provide the face-to-face element of a longer conversation, which starts with a letter to every child’s home, works its way through progress reports and the occasional phone call with parents, and ends with a report card.

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Mr. Vilson

*** photo c/o http://www.nea.org/home/40927.htm ***

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