The Parts to the Whole

By Jose Vilson | November 2, 2009

The Parts to the Whole

By Jose Vilson | November 2, 2009

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Jose Vilson

Jose Vilson

I knew the first quarter of the academic school year would try my every fiber. Presently, I’m juggling between math teacher / coach for my school, president for my alumni organization, blogger for this site, writer for a few other projects, and all the personal duties I’ve undertaken, some of which have grown and developed and others which have taken a bit of a hit. The excitement of the prospects and accomplishments I’ve attained in this quarter coupled with the disappointment and pain of the dissolution of some of these relationships has made it easy to become dissonant to the feelings and emotions of everything and everyone. While some may not understand my aloofness even after my gradual openness, my friends and supporters have been there along the way monitoring my progress.

With all that said, I came to a revelation last night after a good conversation with someone about managing my multiple identities. Here’s something to think about: Mr. Vilson is only a part of Jose as a whole. Yes, Mr. Vilson keeps Jose fed, gives Jose multiple opportunities to express his opinions, and every so often, travel to different parts of the country. Nonetheless, it’s only a part of the whole Jose. They directly affect one another, and so when one hurts, the other must listen. When the other succeeds, the other must sustain. It’s a weird balance there that only comes when you’re in the business of doing multiple business, when everything you’re doing is intertwined, timed, and managed and dispersed precisely and in the midst of all the confusion, you still manage to figure out the rhythm of the juggle.

As long as I remember Jose is the whole to the Mr. Vilson part, I can keep at this …

Jose, who appeared in World Series Game 1 on Fox during A-Rod’s last at-bat in the 9th … Weird, but makes sense …

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